
Sunkist is a leading international supplier of fresh fruit, and the oldest operating citrus cooperative in America, owned by thousands of citrus growers across California and Arizona. Find everything you want to know about your favorite Sunkist® citrus varieties: oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, mandarins, limes, organic citrus, and more.

Sunkist is a not-for-profit marketing cooperative entirely owned by and operated for the California and Arizona citrus growers who make up its membership.

Cooperatives give producers clout. In today’s competitive international market, an independent grower stands alone against the competition. As a member of a cooperative, each individual grower joins with other growers to gain a mutually larger market share. A cooperative of growers together can do many things that a grower alone cannot afford to do — develop a worldwide market, promote a brand name, access a global transportation system, develop comprehensive research capabilities, and gain governmental access to overseas markets — to name a few.

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