“The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, where we work to create and share scientific knowledge.

IFAS’s accomplishments are many. Our scientists are involved in everything from taking leadership roles to coordinate UF research and response efforts related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to making great strides against the citrus greening disease that threatens the state’s best-known crop.

IFAS research has resulted in hundreds of new plant cultivars and inventions. Our folic acid research helped bring about significant drops in neural tube birth defects around the globe, such as spinal bifida; we’ve patented biofuel-production technology and our automated weather network helps reduce irrigation by an average 41.6 billion gallons each year.

From our scientists working at the very tip of cutting-edge research and sharing what they learn with peers around the globe to a county extension agent working one-on-one with a backyard gardener, IFAS is one of the largest agricultural research centers of its kind, and we’re committed to using scientific knowledge to solve problems”. Jack Payne, Senior VP for Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Annual Research Reports
Calendar of Extension Activities
Research Centers
Impact Magazine
Scheduled Conferences
University of Florida Phone Book

University of Florida Extension Offices

The third arm of the land grant system was provided by the Smith-Lever Act in 1914. This Act established the Cooperative Extension Service and specified that the service would be associated with a land grant college. The University of Florida in Gainesville is Florida’s land-grant university. The transfer of knowledge from UF to people throughout the state is facilitated by “Extension” faculty located in each of Florida’s 67 counties. This partnership between counties and the university is the heart of the “Cooperative” Extension Service mission and enables the university to extend its knowledge base to each community.


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